Parking Lot Line Painting Calgary

Parking Lot Line Painting Calgary

Parking lot line painting calgary is a vital aspect of maintaining commercial properties. It helps prevent accidents, and also makes the parking lot look more attractive. This service is usually offered by pavement maintenance companies.

The paint used for this purpose is typically water-based. It does not emit fumes, and is easily adapted to different commercial property layouts and specifications. It can even contain reflective beads to improve visibility in the dark.


A well-maintained parking lot and parkade is a great way to impress visitors and customers. It also ensures that your property is safe and organized.

Proper line painting is an essential part of maintaining a parking lot or parkade. Clearly marked lines indicate traffic flow, areas where parking is prohibited, and handicapped spaces. Having these markings painted regularly prevents minor accidents and ensures that your customers can safely navigate around your property.

The best way to ensure that you’re hiring a quality company for your line painting and parking lot maintenance services is to look for accreditation. A certified contractor has been trained in the industry and is familiar with local regulations and guidelines. They also use the highest-quality materials and follow AODA standards.

A professional company will also offer a variety of specialized services, such as power sweeping, asphalt sealing, crack filling, and tripping hazards removal. They will work with you to create a custom maintenance plan that meets your specific needs and budget.

Curb Appeal

It may seem surprising, but clearly visible parking lot lines are one of the first things customers notice when they arrive at your business. If your parking lot is cluttered with unmarked spaces or has faded lines, it can be extremely confusing for motorists and pedestrians. It will be hard for them to know where they can and cannot park, where the fire lane is, and other important safety measures. This confusion can result in illegal parking, blocked entryways and more.

Having well-marked, straight lines on your parking lot, parkade, or warehouse can also help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. For example, red paint markings typically indicate no-parking zones such as fire lanes and emergency exits. While blue markings show reserved parking spaces for handicapped individuals. This will keep a large variety of differently-abled clients happy and safe, which in turn can lead to return business for your company. Plus, a clean and organized parking lot with properly painted lines can make your entire property look more professional.

Reduced Maintenance

Parking lot line painting, or striping, is an essential maintenance activity for HOAs and condo associations as well as commercial property managers. The white or yellow lines and blue markings help to organize a parking lot while making it easier for motorists to move in and out of it.

Without clearly defined parking space markings, vehicles can easily veer into one another. This can lead to vehicular havoc and a mess of cars stranded in each other’s way. The visibility provided by properly painted parking lot lines also discourages reckless driving within the space, which can lead to fewer accidents.

Additionally, abiding by local regulations for handicap parking spaces ensures that all customers and visitors are able to locate their designated spots effortlessly. This can help to keep your business happy and increase customer satisfaction. Adding reflective beads to your line striping machine will also help to make the markings visible at night, improving visibility even more.

Legal Requirements

A well-striped parking lot is not only safe, but also complies with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations. The ADA requires that every business create designated handicapped spots and direct paths to those spots from the parking lot. Proper line striping is the best way to do that.

A parking lot without proper markings is likely to have accidents involving pedestrians or drivers. Even a small mistake can cause significant damage when it comes to the structure of your building or cars. A fresh coat of paint will ensure that all markings are bright and visible, as well as last against temperature fluctuations, wear and tear and lighting changes.

There are a variety of paints available for line striping, but the type you choose is critical. Basic acrylic and latex paints will not adhere to pavement, so you’ll need a special traffic paint specifically designed for use on asphalt and concrete. Some options include water-based, chlorinated rubber and thermal plastic.


